Mindfulness workshop in Irlanda

Segnaliamo per chi fosse interessato i seguenti workshop che avranno luogo in Irlanda tra l’8 e il 10 maggio 2012 presso l’EMMAUS centre di Dublino:

Mindfulness Workshops 8th – 10th May 2012

Emmaus will host three days of Mindfulness Workshops from 8th – 10th May 2012.

-Mindfulness Through Art

-Mindful Eating

-Mindfulness Through Movement

Mindfulness Through Art 

8th May 2012 – This workshop is based on the principles and techniques of art therapy. Usually we think of the finished product as important but in this workshop you will realise that it’s the process involved in its creation that matters. Thoughts and words may be limiting. Art work provides another option.

No prior skills or training are required – just you and the creativity within you
Facilitator: Veronica O’Rourke – Art Therapist

Mindful Eating –

9th May 2012 -Do you struggle with your weight? Would you like to develop a healthier relationship to food? Mindful Eating helps us to develop more awareness around our negative eating patterns and behaviours.

The tools and techniques you will learn on this workshop will enable you to make healthier food choices and to rediscover the pleasure of eating without the guilt.

Mindfulness Through Movement –

10th May 2012 – In this workshop, we practice mindfulness through walking and moving body scans; through exercises that help us get grounded, relax, connect with our breathing and our senses; and through creative experiences which help us be mindful in our relationships and how we interact with others. We will explore how our movement can help us listen to ourselves, awaken our senses and experience our ‘aliveness’. Mindfulness through movement can also help us to develop greater self-awareness and improve our body image and self-esteem.

Cost of each workshop is €65.00 or Book and Pay for All three and avail of a reduced rate of €165 in Total. Accommodation is also available for anyone looking to stay over at a cost of €35 per night in an ensuite room.

Emmaus Retreat & Conference Centre Dublin Airport




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